
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Let Go Of Your Insecurities

Let go of your insecurities. Let go of your pain. You are limitless. Nothing is holding you back. You are perfect. You are infinite. Smile. Love. Laugh. Don't forget to live. When we are insecure about situations, in actuality we are holding on to some experience(s) that caused us tremendous anguish earlier in our lives to the point of where we don't want to allow a situation or relationship of similar magnitude to take place again. In order to get past our insecurities we must first get rid of the mindset of living in our past. Just because you weren't good enough for something then, doesn't mean that you are not good enough now, just because you weren't able to accomplish something then, doesn't mean that you won't accomplish it now. Let go of your pain, and believe in the fact that the only limits that bind you, are those limits that you place on yourself. We are all perfect people with perfect imperfections. Remember to not only enjoy your life but to take advantage of the opportunities that life presents to you as well. Live every day as if it could be your last!

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